New Pupil – Getting Started

You must complete each step to get yourself on board properly.

Driving Licence Check Code


Before your lesson can go ahead I need to do a licence check. Please can you go to

– input your details and generate a ‘Check Code’. I will need that check code and your driving licence number (number 5 on your licence card – not including the separate two digits on the end) to check you have a valid driving licence before your first lesson.

You will also need to bring the licence card with you for the first lesson.

Terms & Conditions

Now you need to read the terms & conditions. Yes I know the boring stuff. But it is important, they are not that long and the main points have been hi-lighted in bold for you. CLICK HERE

The Total Drive App (its free)

I use an app called Total drive to track your driving journey. I will send you a link to download the app. Once you have it make sure you install it and set it up correctly. The app will ask you to confirm you have read and understood my terms & conditions so make sure you do before clicking that button.

Paying For Lessons

All lessons MUST be paid for 3 days in advance via Bank Transfer ( I will send you my details) or through the app (incurs a fee)

Useful Links

Keep hold of the following link as I add more stuff all the time that is relevant to you learning to drive.

Facebook Group

I also have a support Facebook group, if you haven’t joined already follow the link below.