Pupil Terms and Conditions

Your Driving Licence

All pupils must hold a valid, signed current provisional or full driving licence that will entitle them to drive within the UK. The photo card part of the driving licence must be produced at the first lesson for details to be taken. You will then be asked to share your driving licence information and provide your instructor with a check code.


This allows them to see if you have any penalty points or disqualifications.  Any pupil who may receive points or endorsements of any kind on their licence during their period of tuition must inform their driving instructor immediately.

Your Driving Fitness

It will be the pupils responsibility to ensure they are fit to drive, this will include being able to meet the eyesight requirement. If you are required to wear prescription glasses or contact lenses for driving, these must be worn at all times. Should the pupil have any medical condition, disability or injury that may affect their ability or entitlement to drive, they must inform their driving instructor as soon as they are aware immediately.

The driving instructor will reserve the right to cancel a lesson at short notice if the pupil is suspected he or she may be unfit due to the effects of Alcohol or drugs (prescription or otherwise) or of any other condition that may or would cause their driving to be dangerous or illegal.

The driving Instructor reserves the right to request the client undertake a test to determine their fitness. This may involve a Alcohol breathalyser or Drug testing kit. Should the client refuse such a test, then the test or lesson may be cancelled and be charged for.

The pupil must wear suitable footwear, they must be able to feel the pedals and be secure as to not fall or slip off your feet whilst driving  along with clothing that does not restrict their movement or impede their ability to drive in a safe manner.

Pupil Behaviour

No verbal or physical abuse in any form will be tolerated by the driving instructor, whether it is directed at the driving instructor, an examiner or any other road user. If it is deemed to be in the driving instructor’s opinion to be inappropriate to continue because of the pupils behaviour, the driving instructor reserves the right to cancel /terminate the lesson. The full lesson fee will be deemed to be forfeited.

Payments For Lessons

All lessons must be paid for either in advance or at the start of the lesson if previously agreed by the driving instructor, no credit will be offered. Payments can be made via BANK TRANSFER or in the app. Cheques are NOT accepted.

If for any reason a refund for any lessons that are not taken within a block booking these will be made at the discretion of the driving instructor. However, refunds can only be given once the full individual hourly lesson rate has been deducted for each lesson already taken.

On Test day, the price for the Instructors’ time is fixed at £70. This will include approximately 30 MINUTES before the test, the test itself and return to pick up point. This fee is payable on the lesson prior to Test Day.

Should lesson prices change during your period of learning, any block booked lessons that have already been paid for will be honoured at that rate. When a further payment is required then the new rate will be charged.

Postponement / cancellation of a lesson or test

The driving instructor reserves the right to postpone a lesson at short notice due to illness, mechanical breakdown or some other emergency or unforeseen circumstance. An alternative appointment shall be offered or made with mutual consent and any fees paid in advance will be carried forward. The driving instructor will where possible endeavour to give notice of any rearrangement or postponement of the lesson within the same time limit as Drive With Dave imposes upon a pupil postponing or cancelling a lesson.

If the pupil does not keep or give a minimum of 72 hours (3 days) notice of cancellation of their appointment then Drive With Dave reserves the right to charge a cancellation fee equal to the cost of the lesson.

Your attention is drawn to the fact that there is a statutory period of notice required under government regulation for the cancellation or postponement of a test. Drive With Dave cannot be responsible for the loss of any test fees, should the pupil fail to notify the test booking office, nor be held responsible for any postponement or cancellation of a test by the testing authority. Should the Drive With Dave turn up on the day to collect the pupil for the test and they have not informed Drive With dave of the cancellation or postponement of the test, then the £70 fee paid prior to test day will be forfeited.

It will be your responsibility to check with Drive With Dave as to whether they are available for the day you wish to book as no responsibility will be taken by Drive With Dave for any driving tests booked at times when Drive With Dave is unavailable. Drive With Dave may also reserve the right to withhold the use of the school car for any test, if in their opinion the client is not at a driving test standard, medically unfit (including their eyesight), or under the influence of any drugs or alcohol.


Drive With Dave will normally text upon arrival if requested and wait up to 15 minutes before the lesson is deemed abandoned. The lesson fee will then be forfeited or will become payable by the pupil. In the same instance the pupil should reciprocate the waiting time as it may become necessary should Drive With Dave become delayed by unforeseen circumstances. Any delayed time may be made up at the end of the normal lesson if possible or at a later lesson. Drive With Dave may either Text or Call you to explain the reason for a delay.

Lessons In Your Own Car

All driving lessons will normally be conducted in the driving school car, as this car has dual controls fitted. Lessons will only be given in pupils own car after an initial driving assessment of competence in the driving school car has been conducted and only on the condition that the following is provided:

The pupils’ car must be legally roadworthy, taxed and insured for lessons and test purposes if being used.

The pupil’s car must be insured for the use of the driving instructor to give professional driving tuition for reward and for the driving instructor to drive. This must be also confirmed in writing by the pupils’ vehicle insurance company.

The use of the pupils car will be entirely at the pupils own risk. Drive With Dave can be in no way held liable for any accident or damage caused.

There will be no reduction in any lesson fees due to extra responsibility being taken.

Legal Liabilities

Drive With Dave will make every effort to train the pupil to the highest possible standard; however the pupil, within accordance with road traffic law, has a legal responsibility for any traffic offences that may occur while they are in charge of the vehicle. Any errors the pupil may commit, while driving unaccompanied by an instructor either before or after the pupil passes a driving test will NOT be the responsibility of Drive With Dave.